Prof. Prasad Linganna has published research papers titled “A study to determine the impact of transformational leadership on patents in start-up companies in Bangalore city” in Asian Journal of Management and Commerce, “A study to assess the impact of Transformational Leadership on the growth of revenues in start-up companies in Bangalore City” in Academicia and “A study to determine the impact of Transformational Leadership on the growth of profits in startup companies in Bangalore City” in International Journal of Scientific and Management Research.

Dr. Dhanalakshmi delivered a talk on “Research Methodology” for PG Students at St. Joseph’s College on 31st December, 2021. She was a Keynote speaker on “Funding aspects of Entrepreneurship” on 14th July, 2021 in a five days webinar on IPR and Future Business Innovation organized by Acharya Bangalore B School from July 11 to July 15, 2021. She has co-authored a book on “Legal aspects of Business”, ISBN No. 978-81-947660-2-5, 720 Degree Research Pvt.Ltd., First Edition: May 2021.

Prof. Ravindra and Dr. Dhanalakshmi participated in the One-day online workshop on “How to conduct the Student Induction Program” on 20th September, 2021 by AICTE.

Dr. S Saravana Kumar has presented paper on the topic “A study on Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumer Buying Behaviour during COVID-19 Pandemic situation reference to Bangalore”, in the International Conference hosted by CMS Business School, JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) on 27th – 29th October, 2021.

Prof. Chandini Participated successfully and completed the 5-day online FDP on the theme “Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education” organized by All India Council for Technical Education(AICTE) from 12 July, 2021 to 16 July, 2021. She has also Participated in the One-day online workshop on “How to conduct the Student Induction Program” on 20th September, 2021 by AICTE.

Prof. Mallika B K was invited as a resource person at workshop on “Accountancy for Lawyers”, organized by KLE Society’s Law College on 12th July, 2021. She has presented paper on the topic “A study on commodity market with reference to Gold”, in the national conference hosted by Jnanavikas Institute of Technology on 15th December, 2021

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