No. 23, GOKULA Extn, M.S.Ramaiah Road,
Behind M.S. Ramaiah Memorial Hall, Bangalore- 560054.
call us
+91 9686203240Â
+91 80 2360 7640
+91 80 2360 7641
During 12th-14th of December 2022, the Marketing Club of RIMS organized an event titled “Markclan”. Over three days, all the students of I Semester participated in the event and honed their marketing skills. The grand finale involved 21 teams vying to win the coveted silver medals for Overall Winner and Overall Runner categories. The teams were given a product and they had create an advertisement for the product and present it in front of a panel of judges. The judges for the finals were Mr. Sachin Patil, General Manager – Air Water India Pvt Ltd, Ms. Tenzin – an alumni of RIMS and a budding entrepreneur, and Mr. Balasubramaniam, an Industry veteran in the area of Finance and Materials Management.
No. 23, GOKULA Extn, M.S.Ramaiah Road,
Behind M.S. Ramaiah Memorial Hall, Bangalore- 560054.
+91 9686203240Â
+91 80 2360 7640
+91 80 2360 7641