Industrial visit to TVS Motor Company Ltd, Hosur was held on the 5th July 2022. A total number of 38 Second Semester PGDM students along with 6 faculty members had attended the industrial visit.
The visit was co-ordinated by the Industrial Visit Section of the HR Department of the Company. The Company was represented by Mr. Mani and Mr. Rajendran of the Training and Development Centre of the HR Department.
The students were shown the working of Assembly line of Plant No. 2 which contained about 32 operations and which manufactures economy range motor cycles and the higher end motorcycles including the motorcycles manufactured in collaboration with the BMW motorcycles.
The unique production system adopted by TVS motors were briefly explained to the students.
The inventory management system like Kanban and JIT (Just in Time) techniques were briefly explained to the students.
They also witnessed how the robots (installed using German technology) were being used in the fabrication and the casting departments of the Plant No. 2.
The time spent in  Plant 2 was about 2 hours.